Unfortunately, we can only offer this service in Swedish due to technical reasons. We are working on a solution where we can offer the service in English.

Please contact us +46 (0)652-360 00 for help to fill in your application or further information och write to us: kommun@nordanstig.se.


Visit us at address

Visitor  our office: Södra Vägen 14 in Bergsjö, entrance level
Opening hours:
07. 45–16. 00 (lunch 12-13) non-holiday weekdays
Best Regards,
Nordanstigs municipality/Nordanstigs kommun


Google translate

For e-services that do not require login, it is possible to use "Google translate" to translate the website. If there is a login requirement, the translation service will not work after logging in. We do not take responsibility for the accuracy of the translation.

Bing translator

For e-services that do not require login, it is possible to use "Bing translator" to translate the website. If there is a login requirement, the translation service will not work after logging in. We do not take responsibility for the accuracy of the translation.